
Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 23: More Exams

June 23, 2009


Exams were happening again today so I took pictures of the kids (which got a little frustrating because some of the kids are very pushy and grabby) and sat in on the KG1 science exam. The whole exam was written in Amharic and all the instructions were in Amharic too, so even though I was the “helper” for the class, I really didn’t help much. I kind of just sat there and helped pass out and collect the exams. The exam was very hard for the kids. For some reason a lot of them couldn't grasp the concept of multiple choice, so Azarat had to keep explaining it to them over and over again.

After lunch at Kechene, I headed back to Tor Highluch and went to the Pink Café down the street from the house and sat in there for a while drinking a macchiato and writing letters.

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